Resources for instructors


StarID是一个独特的明尼苏达州系统用户名,可以在系统内的任何学院或大学使用. 同时学生和教师可以使用它访问明尼苏达州立大学系统和大发彩票平台资源, including the online library database, D2L and WebWorks.

How to activate a StarID

Step 1: Go to the Minnesota State StarID website. Click on "Activate StarID" and "Personal Email Address." Concurrent instructors will use their school email to activate their StarID. 学生必须使用他们在申请大发彩票平台时输入的个人电子邮件. Email us at 如果你想要你的班级的学生电子邮件列表,至少在激活starid前一周.

Step 2: A verification code will be sent to the email address entered. The code is valid for only one hour and can be used only once.

Step 3: Copy and paste the code or enter it manually at the Minnesota State StarID website. Click on "Activate StarID" and "Verification Code." A StarID will be generated.

Step 4: Create a new password. Passwords must use at least three of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.


D2L Brightspace

D2L Brightspace is M State's online course management system.

How to access a course shell

  1. Log in with your StarID and password.
  2. 在右上方点击“选择课程”(方框/网格图标)展开下拉列表.
  3. Select the name of the course you would like to access. 通过单击课程名称右侧的图钉图标,将活动课程钉在列表顶部是很有帮助的.

Review class lists

  1. Review your class list for accuracy under the "communications" drop-down menu.
  2. Email 学生的姓名和id需要删除或添加到班级之前 drop and withdraw deadline.

How to extend a course end date

访问D2L dropbox将根据大发彩票平台的学术时间表自动设置结束. Because most high schools are in session longer than the college, you may need to manually change the course end date by doing the following:

  1. Click on "Course Admin"
  2. Choose "Course Offering Information" under the Site Setup heading
  3. Scroll to the middle of the page and change the end date
  4. Save

Students access to D2L

  1. Students need to activate their StarID. Directions can be found on the Concurrent Enrollment Students web page.
  2. Students will log in to SpartanNet with their StarID and password.
  3. 点击左侧的“D2L Brightspace”按钮,然后选择“我的课程”下列出的课程."

Other Resources

Need help?

M State's Center for Teaching, 学习与技术(CTLT)是关于最佳实践和当前教学趋势的帮助资源, 以及对大发彩票平台为学生提供的各种学习方式的支持,包括课程交付资源, technology and teaching tools. For more information, call 218.299.6533 or email


Turnitin is an online tool that supports M State's Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy.

CEP Instructor Testimonial: Since using turnitin.com作为一名大学英语教师,我的生活变得不那么紧张和苛求了. 使用这项服务使大学论文评分成为一种更愉快的经历. I no longer have to check for plagiarized material, 我可以花更多的时间评论学生的写作(我可以更专注于什么是重要的). My students are enjoying this as well. 他们能够自我监督,使用这项服务使他们成为更负责任和负责任的作家. 我希望我们在未来的课程中也有这项服务——对所有使用它的人来说,这是一个非常有效的工具. Thank you for opening this up to us at the high schools.

IMPORTANT: M State purchases the license for Turnitin services, thus it can only be used for M State concurrent courses.

How to request an account

1. Email with your request

2. Turnitin将在您创建帐户后向您发送确认电子邮件,并提供进一步说明

3. Watch the Turnitin Web Training



Library resources

  • M State Library Resources. 学生需要激活他们的StarID才能访问(见本页顶部的StarID说明)。. Once logged in, the following options will be available:
  • Traditional PALS - M State's online library catalog.
  • MnPALS Plus - An open source "discovery tool", 或者一组应用程序在用户和集成的图书馆系统之间协同工作以查找资源.
  • Net Library - Electronic periodical database. 当您选择数据库时,请确保选择“全文”,以便打印整篇文章.

If you have questions regarding the library resources, 或者想安排一个时间为您的班级参观大发彩票平台校园图书馆, contact If a student gets locked out due to too many failed log in attempts, contact

  • Electronic Library for Minnesota (ELM). Minnesota residents' online access to magazines, journals, newspapers, encyclopedia articles, eBooks and other information resources on a vast array of topics. ELM由州和联邦税收资金资助,目前的许可证覆盖K-12媒体中心. To access the databases, a Minnesota public library bar code is needed.
  • Ask MN. 这个明尼苏达图书馆的合作是一个实时互动聊天服务,允许明尼苏达的居民和学生与图书管理员实时交谈. 需要输入明尼苏达州公共图书馆借书证的条形码才能访问这项服务.
  • Library of Congress. 它是美国历史最悠久的联邦文化机构,也是世界上最大的图书馆,拥有数百万册图书, recordings, photographs, maps and manuscripts in its collections.


MediaSpace is a cloud based web service developed by Kaltura 如何方便各种音频和视频媒体格式的转换和分发. Faculty, 教职员工和学生可以将媒体内容上传到MediaSpace服务器,该服务器会自动转换和优化您的媒体,以便在网络上轻松分发. Once uploaded, MediaSpace将提供链接和嵌入代码,您可以使用这些链接和嵌入代码与他人共享您的媒体. This service is offered to the MnSCU community at no cost.

Log in to Media Space with your StarID and password.

Learning and study

  • Study Guides and Strategies. Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, 并在非商业教育环境中以印刷形式分发个人学习指南,使学习者受益.
  • Literacy Works. This site provides dynamic resources to increase literacy skills.

Multi subject

  • HippoCampus. 本网站的目标是提供高质量的通识教育多媒体内容. Explore over 5,700 free videos in 13 subject areas. Teachers can create a free account to customize playlists for students.
  • Khan Academy. 可汗学院是一个非营利组织,其目标是通过为任何人提供免费的世界级教育来改善教育, anywhere.
  • Educational Press. Create free educational worksheets such as flashcards, game boards and quizzes.
  • Quizlet. Simple tools that let the user study anything, for free. Students define what they need to learn through six different study modes. They can even study with friends or join a classroom.


  • JCE Chemical Education Xchange. ChemEd X希望通过其网站提供学习资源和论坛,以加强化学教育者的社区. A paid subscription may be needed to access some resources on this site.

English resources

  • Citation Machine. 它的目标是使学生研究人员更容易引用信息来源. 通过使用基于所使用资源类型的搜索工具创建免费引文. Copy and paste an essay into EssayCheck to score it for free. The score is based on seven categories: organization, conventions, sentence structure, development of ideas, word choice, style and grammar and spelling.
  • The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL). 为非普渡大学水平的教师和学生提供免费的写作资源, rhetoric and logic, essay genres and style and language.

Math resources

  • WeBWork. 这个数学和科学课程的在线作业系统是由美国数学协会(MAA)和国家科学基金会(NSF)支持的。. Access to this resource is free for M State concurrent teachers and students. Contact, to request an account. Download WeBWork instructions below. *学生需要激活StarID才能登录(见本页顶部的StarID说明).
  • Desmos. Desmos believes the key to learning is by doing, 实现这一愿景的关键是通过他们的下一代在线图形计算器. It's intuitive, beautiful math and, best of all, it's completely free.
  • Hotmath. This is a link to the free tutorials for the TI-84. Other features of this site may require a yearly subscription fee.
  • Calculus-help. Free calculus tutorials for students and teachers worldwide.
  • Edfinity
  • Graphing calculator tutorial
  • Khan Academy videos. 可汗学院是一个非营利组织,其目标是通过向世界各地的任何人提供免费的世界级教育,使教育变得更好.
  • MyMathtest. 测试和安置工具,评估学生的优势和知识差距. Design tests and refresher courses. 学生可以通过16周的低成本订阅来练习和复习技能.
  • PurpleMath. This site has many free math resources. Some resource links on the site, such as, require a paid subscription.
  • University of Minnesota OER textbook site